True North Data Platform

One platform, multiple solutions for digital data

The True North Data Platform is used to efficiently manage data across organisational boundaries. These may be the boundaries between participants in national reporting programmes or those found in enterprises where data is separated and siloed. It bridges these gaps using data models, based on the XBRL standard, to provide the anchor for all communication and processing of the data.

Architecture of the True North Data Platform.

At its heart is True North, the gold standard of XBRL processors. True North provides data integrity for all data on the platform and carries out XBRL-related processing. Business users interact with the platform using integrated apps for data modelling, preparation, review, mapping, collection and processing. Comprehensive APIs enable functionality to be integrated with existing solutions.

The platform brings together 25 years of knowledge of how to handle and process business data. It captures our experience of implementing and participating in large scale regulatory data collection programmes around the world.

Platform Vision

We believe that having good formalised descriptions of data provides the best basis to move and process it efficiently. We call this approach model-backed data management. Identifying unambiguous, structured definitions promotes data management best practice and provides the opportunity for consistent business solutions to be used with different data across different business domains.

Furthermore, we believe that data models should not just be to the benefit of the IT department. The platform enables business users to interact directly with data and data models in a way that is intuitive and hides technical complexity. We embrace the use of universal applications such as Excel to give business users familiar tools to work with.

We have designed and developed the platform to capture this vision. Investing over many years to ensure reliable and fast handling of standards-based data and building problem-specific business applications on top of this foundation.

More on the TNDP

If you are looking to implement digital reporting or have data or filing needs driven by regulatory reporting, please see our solutions or contact us to discuss how we can help.

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