Seahorse SaaS – fast and compliant XBRL, iXBRL and XML filings
Efficient and accurate filing preparation

Seahorse® is fast and accurate filing creation and conversion software for XBRL, iXBRL and XML, Delivered as SaaS you are always up-to-date and compliant for regulatory filings such as CRD IV, Solvency II and National Specific Templates. In its financial reports version, it converts completed AFRs and accounts into Inline XBRL, including ESEF and UKSEF reports, for filing with tax, registries and securities regulators. For XML reports, simple templates are provided to take the hassle out of reports like Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR).

Full compliance with technical and regulatory standards
Seahorse was designed to work with filing programmes mandated by authorities ranging from ESMA, EIOPA and the EBA to HMRC and Revenue Ireland. All outputs from Seahorse are validated against all the relevant technical standards and the filing rules specific to each reporting programme. This includes the production of extensions and report packages as specified by ESMA for ESEF and UKSEF filings.
Conversion of annual reports and accounts to iXBRL and ESEF
Seahorse creates fully-tagged Inline XBRL filings from existing PDF, Word, Excel and InDesign documents. Those who usually work with InDesign can import using the EPUB format to benefit from extra ease of use features. Its automated tag-selection engine uses machine-learning to take into account tagging selections made in thousands of previous filings. Seahorse’s roll-over feature, which copies the company’s prior-year tagging decisions, drastically reduces effort for subsequent years and makes switching to Seahorse easy.
Country-by-Country Reporting
Seahorse provides simple Excel-based templates for your CbCR reporting, these are converted to the required format and validated according to all the appropriate business rules, ready for submission to your local tax authority.
Easy extraction of regulatory data from existing systems
Some prudential, regulatory and statistical reporting requires large amounts of data to be converted. Seahorse accepts this data in CSV, and in specially formatted Excel sheets to enable automation and conversion direct from data stores. Templates and extracts can be combined to create the whole return.
Ready for ESG
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and similar reporting programmes around the world are selecting iXBRL as their reporting format. We work with the standards setters and the regulators to make sure that you are ready for ESG reporting and are up-to-date with changes in reporting requirements.